Communication in Progress 2015: United Nations Global Compact
  • 25/02/2016

cbc is part of the United Nations Global Compact, the largest corporate initiative in the world.  In 2015 we continue our efforts aligned with our strategies and operations according to the 10 universally accepted principles in four fundamental areas:  human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption policies.   The firm commitment of achieving these principles, as well as the Sustainable Development Objectives with the United Nations Global Compact, is fundamental in our objectives and management to contribute to a better world.  That is why we present Communication in Progress 2015, a report of our activities and efforts made in 2015 and that we will keep reinforcing in 2016.

cbc is a corporation that transcends, and that transcendence is achieved being the leaders in what we do and contributing to a Better World for all generations.

Download here our Communication in Progress 2015